Showing 3201–3300 of 3353 results
Waffen-SS in Normandy: 1944 The Caen Sector and Operations Goodwood and Cobra
$49.99 -
Want of Vigilance
$36.99 -
War Bonds: Love Stories from the Greatest Generation
$49.99 -
War game Rules
$39.99 -
War in the American Pacific and East Asia, 1941-1972
$135.00 -
War in the Western Theater: Favorite Stories and Fresh Perspectives from the Historians at Emerging Civil War
$75.00 -
War on Two Fronts: An Infantry Commander’s War in Iraq and the Pentagon
$37.99 -
War Outside My Window (Young Readers Edition): The Civil War Diary of LeRoy Wiley Gresham, 1860–1865
$63.00 -
War Outside My Window: The Civil War Diary of LeRoy Wiley Gresham, 1860-1865
$76.99 -
War Outside My Window: The Civil War Diary of LeRoy Wiley Gresham, 1860-1865
$59.99 -
War Outside My Window: The Civil War Diary of LeRoy Wiley Gresham, 1860-1865
$65.00 -
War Stories: 150 Little-Known Stories of the Campaign and Battle of Gettysburg
$27.99 -
War, Suffering and the Struggle for Human Rights
$65.00 -
War’s Nomads
$49.99 -
Wargaming in History Volume 1. the Seven Years War
$75.00 -
Warpaint: Colours and Markings of British Army Vehicles 1903-2003: Volume 1
$69.99 -
Warpaint: Colours and Markings of British Army Vehicles 1903-2003: Volume 2
$85.00 -
Warpaint: Colours and Markings of British Army Vehicles 1903-2003: Volume 3
$85.00 -
Warpaint: Colours and Markings of British Army Vehicles 1903-2003: Volume 4
$85.00 -
Warrior Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of Sweden as a Military Superpower 1611-1721
$49.99 -
Warriors from the Deep: the Extraordinary History of the Combat Swimmers
$65.00 -
Warriors of the 106th: The Last Infantry Division of World War II
$62.99 -
Wars of the Bushes, The: a Father and Son as Military Leaders
$47.99 -
Warsaw Pact Vol. I
$56.99 -
Warsaw Pact Vol. II
$69.99 -
Wartime Halifax: History of a Canadian City at War 1939-1945
$59.99 -
Wartime: The First World War in a Canadian Town
$54.99 -
Washington’s Marines: The Origins of the Corps and the American Revolution, 1775-1777
$85.00 -
Washingtons: V 1
$175.00 -
Washingtons: V 2
$175.00 -
Washingtons: V 3 Royal Descents of the Presidential Branch
$165.00 -
Washingtons: V 4 Part 1: Generation Eight of the Presidential Branch
$155.00 -
Washingtons: V 4 Part 2: Generation Eight of the Presidential Branch
$155.00 -
Washingtons: V 5 Part 1: Generation Nine of the Presidential Branch
$175.00 -
Washingtons: V 5 Part 2: Generation Nine of the Presidential Branch
$175.00 -
Washingtons: V 6 Part 1: Generation Ten of the Presidential Branch
$175.00 -
Washingtons: V 6 Part 2: Generation Ten of the Presidential Branch
$175.00 -
Washingtons: V 7 Part 1: Generation Eleven of the Presidential Branch
$175.00 -
Washingtons: V 7 Part 2: Generation Eleven of the Presidential Branch
$175.00 -
Washingtons: V 8: Generations 12 to 15 of the Presidential Branch
$175.00 -
Washingtons: V 9: The Presidential Branch: Six Wright Lines
$175.00 -
Wasted Valor: The Confederate Dead at Gettysburg
$39.99 -
Watchman at the Gates: A Soldier’s Journey from Berlin to Bosnia
$75.00 -
Water Displays in Domestic Spaces across the Late Roman West: Cultivating Living Buildings
$140.00 -
Waterloo After the Glory: Hospital Sketches and Reports on the Wounded After the Battle
$75.00 -
Waterloo Relics
$115.00 -
Way of the Eagle
$49.99 -
We Few: U.S. Special Forces in Vietnam
$44.99 -
We Shall Conquer or Die: Partisan Warfare in 1862 Western Kentucky
$95.00 -
Wealth of England: The Medieval Wool Trade and its Political Importance 1100-1600
$120.00 -
Wealth of England: The Medieval Wool Trade and its Political Importance 1100-1600
$92.99 -
Weapons and Tools in Rock Art: A World Perspective
$175.00 -
Weapons of the Great War: Automatic Weapons of the Russian Army
$140.00 -
Wearables 01: Magazine on Wearable Heritage
$65.00 -
Wedemeyer: America’s Unsung Strategist in World War II
$62.99 -
Weekend to Pack: The Fall of Hong Kong 1940-45
$42.99 -
Wehrmacht & Ss: Caucasian, Muslim, Asian Troops (french/english Text)
$49.95 -
Wehrmacht in the Mud (Camera ON)
$52.99 -
Wellington’s Hidden Heroes: The Dutch and the Belgians at Waterloo
$49.99 -
Welsh Highland Railway: 25 Years of Memorable Milestones
$34.99 -
Welshpool and Llanfair Light Railway Through the Years
$59.99 -
Wembley Speaks: What the Nextdoor Neighbours are Saying: A Grassroots Sociology
$44.99 -
Westland Whirlwind Mk.i
$34.99 -
Westward on the High-Hilled Plains: The Later Prehistory of the West Midlands
$90.00 -
What Are We Waiting For: Finding our Way in a World Ever Changing Ever Divided Ever Seeking
$34.99 -
What God Has Done for Our Salvation
$8.99 -
What it Means to Be Literate: A Disability Materiality Approach to Literacy after Aphasia
$130.00 -
What Price Hollywood?: Gender and Sex in the Films of George Cukor
$95.00 -
When Art Kept ‘Em Flying
$110.00 -
When Hell Came to Sharpsburg: The Battle of Antietam and its Impact on the Civilians Who Called it Home
$85.00 -
When Washington Burned: An Illustrated History of the War of 1812
$65.00 -
Where is Turold
$39.99 -
Where’s the Harm?: My Life of Crime: An Alternative Introduction to Criminology
$44.99 -
Whistler and Nature
$65.00 -
Whistler’s Room
$19.99 -
White Hell: the German Army Faces the Russian Winter
$39.99 -
White Water, Red Hot Lead: On Board U.S. Navy Swift Boats in Vietnam
$62.99 -
Who Invented Oscar Wilde? The Photograph at the Center of Modern American Copyright
$95.00 -
Why Globalization Works for America: How Nationalist Trade Policies Are Destroying Our Country
$85.00 -
Why My Wife Had To Die
$44.99 -
Why Soldiers Miss War: The Journey Home
$65.00 -
Widowmaker: Living and Dying with the Corsair
$62.99 -
Wiking Vol. 3
$275.00 -
Wiking Volume 1: Decembre 1940-Abvril 1942
$160.00 -
Wiking: Volume 2: French Text
$160.00 -
William Bartram’s Visual Wonders: The Drawings of an American Naturalist
$110.00 -
William Blake in Sussex: Visions of Albion
$49.99 -
William Crozier: The Edge of the Landscape
$135.00 -
William Orpen: an Onlooker in France
$95.00 -
William Palmer: The Oxford Movement and a Quest for Orthodoxy
$89.99 -
William the Conqueror: Paths of History
$75.00 -
William the Conqueror: The epic of William the Conqueror explained to children
$49.99 -
William Wyon
$170.00 -
William, Bastard and Conqueror
$69.99 -
Windsor Shahnama of 1648, The
$225.00 -
Wings of War: An Airman’s diary of the Last Year of the War
$47.99 -
Winifred Nicholson: Cumbrian Rag Rugs
$79.99 -
Winnie Davis: Daughter of the Lost Cause
$59.99 -
Winning French Minds: Radio Propaganda in Occupied France, 1940-42
$99.00 -
Winter that Won the War: The Winter Encampment at Valley Forge, 1777-1778