Showing all 86 results
100 Greatest Cover Versions: The Ultimate Playlist
$24.99 -
20,000 Miles: The Cambridge 1960 Indo-African Expedition
$24.99 -
A-Z of Franz Ferdinand
$39.99 -
A-Z of Franz Ferdinand: Words So Leisured
$75.00 -
Agatha Christie’s Doctors
$37.99 -
Air Rifle Hunting Through the Seasons: A Guide to Fieldcraft
$49.99 -
Best of the Beatles: The Sacking of Pete Best
$24.99 -
Birds and Flowers of the Castle of Mey and Balmoral
$75.00 -
Bob Dylan and Dylan Thomas: The Two Dylans
$37.99 -
Bob Dylan in London: Troubadour Tales
$29.99 -
Bob Dylan in Minnesota: Troubadour Tales from Duluth, Hibbing and Dinkytown
$29.99 -
Bob Dylan in the Big Apple: Troubadour Tales of New York
$29.99 -
Broken Chord: The First Jacopo Dragonetti Mystery
$19.99 -
Burmese Shadows: Twenty-five Years Reporting on Life Behind the Bamboo Curtain
$87.99 -
Byker Revisited: Portrait of A Community
$75.00 -
Castle: The Sean Rooney Psychosleuth Series
$24.99 -
Dilemma Management: Joined up thinking for our fragmented times
$32.99 -
DNA Diet: Gene-ius Nutrition and Fitness
$24.99 -
Don’t Call Me Urban! The Time of Grime
$75.00 -
Dougie Donnelly: My Life in Sport
$54.99 -
England, My England: A Magnum Photographer’s Portrait of England
$75.00 -
Fading Light: A Magnum Photographer’s Portraits of Centenarians
$65.00 -
Family: The Sean Rooney Psychosleuth Series
$24.99 -
Father: Introducing Sean Rooney, Psychosleuth
$24.99 -
Frank Sinatra: An Extraordinary Life
$47.99 -
From WHAM! to WOO: A Life on the Mic
$37.99 -
Goin’ Back to the 1960’s: The Joy of Life, Fishing and Rock ‘n’ Roll
$27.99 -
Happy Go Lucky Me: A Lifetime of Music
$32.99 -
Humans in the Classroom: Exploring the lives of extraordinary teachers
$32.99 -
Hunting with Air Rifles: The Complete Guide
$49.99 -
I Talk to Angels: Connect With Your Guardian Angels
$32.99 -
John Martin: Apocalypse Now!
$95.00 -
Last Nightshift in Savar: The Story of the Spectrum Sweater Factory Collapse
$44.99 -
Last Orders: An Anthology of Short Stories
$19.99 -
Laura Knight: A Life
$37.99 -
Life of Mark Akenside: The Breakthrough to Modernity
$37.99 -
Little Richard: Send Me Some Lovin’
$47.99 -
Lock-In: An Anthology of Short Stories
$29.99 -
Lone Rangers: An English Club’s Century in Scottish Football
$44.99 -
Made in Newcastle: Visual Culture
$29.99 -
Magazine: The Biography of the Band
$37.99 -
Magazine: The Biography of the Band (Special Edition)
$75.00 -
Malice in Malmö: The Sixth Inspector Anita Sundström Mystery
$29.99 -
Malmo Midwinter: An Inspector Anita Sundstrom Mystery
$17.99 -
Mammon in Malmo: The Eighth Inspector Anita Sundstrom Mystery
$29.99 -
Meet Me in Malmö: The First Inspector Anita Sundström Mystery
$29.99 -
Menace in Malmo: The Fifth Inspector Anita Sundström Mystery
$29.99 -
Midnight in Malmö: The Fourth Inspector Anita Sundström Mystery
$29.99 -
Missing in Malmö: The Third Inspector Anita Sundström Mystery
$29.99 -
Mission in Malmö: The Ninth Inspector Anita Sundström Mystery
$29.99 -
Mourning in Malmö: The Seventh Inspector Anita Sundström Mystery
$29.99 -
Murder in Malmö: The Second Inspector Anita Sundström Mystery
$29.99 -
NLP Professional: Your Future in NLP
$42.99 -
Northern Exposures: A Magnum Photographer’s Portrait of Rural Life in the North East of England
$37.99 -
Painting the Toon: Portraits of Newcastle and Tyneside
$49.99 -
Pick Up a Pencil: The Work of Laurence Fish
$75.00 -
Pitmatic: Stories and Talk of The North East Coalfield
$37.99 -
Pitmatic: Talk of the North East Coal Field
$24.99 -
Precious Statements: John Donald, Designer – Jeweller
$165.00 -
Railway Journeys in Art Volume 1: Scotland
$87.99 -
Railway Journeys in Art Volume 2: Yorkshire and the North East
$99.00 -
Railway Journeys in Art Volume 4: The Eastern Counties
$87.99 -
Railway Journeys in Art Volume 5: London and the South East
$95.00 -
Railway Journeys in Art Volume 8: Worldwide Destinations
$97.99 -
Railway Journeys in Art Volume 9: Rails Across America
$97.99 -
Rock and Roll Busker
$24.99 -
Rock and Roll Tourist
$24.99 -
Sheepdogs at Work: One Man and His Dog
$19.99 -
Shift (Z325 Thoroughgood Thrillers)
$24.99 -
Simon and Garfunkel: Together Alone
$37.99 -
Son: The Sean Rooney Psychosleuth Series
$24.99 -
Speed to the West: A Nostalgic Journey
$24.99 -
Sporting Heroes of the North: Sport, Religion and Culture
$29.99 -
Storm Without (A Doug Michie Novel 1)
$19.99 -
Story of Fenwick and its Family
$99.00 -
Stotty ‘n’ Spice Cake: Stories and Traditional Recipes of North East Cooking
$37.99 -
Stress to Calm in 7 Minutes for Lawyers
$24.99 -
Stress to Calm in 7 Minutes for Nurses
$24.99 -
Stress to Calm in 7 Minutes for Teachers
$24.99 -
To The Call of The Bugles: A History of the Percy Tenantry Volunteers 1798-1814
$42.99 -
Top of the Pops: 50th Anniversary
$62.99 -
Traitors or Patriots?: A Story of the German Anti-Nazi Resistance
$37.99 -
Very Simple Mind
$54.99 -
Visitor: A Christmas Story from the Yorkshire Dales
$19.99 -
Whare de yea belang? A Dictionary of North East Dialect
$37.99 -
William Armstrong: Magician of the North