Showing 1–100 of 144 results
Advice from a Gamekeeper
$49.99 -
Africa’s Wild Dogs: A Survival Story
$59.99 -
Airgun Hunter’s Year
$49.99 -
Anniversary Book: The Illustrated Symbols and Themes of Love
$24.99 -
Ashforth’s Curiosities of Horseracing
$54.99 -
BASC Gameshooter’s Pocket Guide
$19.99 -
Beneath Safer Skies
$29.99 -
Best of BB
$49.99 -
Black Grouse
$49.99 -
Box of Frogs: Illustrated Idioms of Birds and Animals
$27.99 -
Brewer’s Tale, Memoirs of a Master Brewer
$24.99 -
Byerley Turk: The True Story of the First Thoroughbred
$49.99 -
Canal Fishing
$49.99 -
Chalk and Cheese: Living the Dream, Flyfishing on my own French Chalkstream
$39.99 -
Complete Illustrated Directory of Salmon Flies (PB)
$49.99 -
Concise History of Ludlow
$39.99 -
Confessions of a Carp Fisher
$49.99 -
Countryman’s Bedside Book
$49.99 -
Countryman’s Creel
$39.99 -
Day at the Races: The Horses, People and Races that Shaped the Sport of Kings
$65.00 -
Death of a High Flyer: A Fieldsports Thriller
$37.99 -
Death of a Selkie
$37.99 -
Don’t Worry, He Doesn’t Bite! Tales of a Country Postman
$29.99 -
Eat Your Weeds! With 90 Delicious Plant-Based Recipes
$65.00 -
End Peg: The Highs and Lows of Match Fishing
$42.99 -
Etheldreda’s World: Princess, Abbess, Saint
$34.99 -
Everything you wanted to know about the Countryside: (but didn’t dare ask!)
$85.00 -
Extraordinary Villages
$39.99 -
Falling in Again: tales of an incorrigible angler
$44.99 -
Farmer’s Lot
$29.99 -
Feather Bender’s Flytying Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide to Tying Twenty-Eight Classic and Modern Trout Flies
$69.99 -
Feathers: The Game Larder
$75.00 -
Fifty Bales of Hay
$29.99 -
Fisherman’s Bedside Book
$49.99 -
Fishing from the Rock of the Bay: The Making of an Angler
$49.99 -
Fishing with Emma
$24.99 -
Fishing with Harry
$39.99 -
$39.99 -
Flyfishing for Coarse Fish
$49.99 -
Forest of Bowland
$39.99 -
Full English
$19.99 -
Gamekeeper’s Dog
$49.99 -
$49.99 -
George Allen & Unwin: A Remembrancer
$75.00 -
Get Fishing: The ‘How To’ Guide
$24.99 -
Going Fishing
$49.99 -
Gone Native
$39.99 -
Green Clean Your Home: 160 Simple, Nature-friendly Recipes Which Really Work
$42.99 -
GT – A Flyfisher’s Guide to the Trevally Species
$75.00 -
Hammer Gun
$75.00 -
$49.99 -
Hare: A Complete Natural History
$65.00 -
Healing Stream
$49.99 -
Herbalist’s Bible: John Parkinson’s Lost Classic Rediscovered
$59.99 -
Hooked on Lure Fishing
$65.00 -
Horse Games: One Man’s Search for the Tribal Horse Games of Asia and Africa
$49.99 -
Horse Racing Terms: An Illustrated Guide
$22.99 -
How Now? Britain’s Favourite Dairy Farmer
$34.99 -
How the Other Half Lived
$39.99 -
How to Flyfish
$24.99 -
How to Watch a Bullfight
$49.99 -
It Happened in Gloucestershire
$19.99 -
It Happened in Lancashire
$19.99 -
It Happened in Lincolnshire
$22.99 -
It Happened in Shropshire
$19.99 -
Job for all Seasons
$32.99 -
Kaleidoscope of Butterflies: A celebration of Britain’s 59 Species
$42.99 -
Klink: The Extraordinary Flytying Genius of Hans van Klinken
$125.00 -
Lady of the Chase: The Life and Hunting Diaries of Daphne Moore
$59.99 -
Land of Milk and (No) Money
$42.99 -
Land’s End to John O’Groats: Walking the Length of Britain in 7 Stages
$37.99 -
Living off the Land
$32.99 -
Living with Greys: A Celebration of the Grey Partridge
$140.00 -
Ludlow at Leisure: A Country Town at Play 1800-1950
$39.99 -
Make your own Aprodisiacs
$19.99 -
Man-Eaters of Kumaon
$49.99 -
Maynard, Adventures of a Bacon Curer
$24.99 -
Maynard, Secrets of a Bacon Curer
$24.99 -
Megan Boyd: The Story of a Salmon Flydresser
$49.99 -
$39.99 -
Most Rare Vision
$39.99 -
Much Ado About Mutton
$49.99 -
Murmuration of Starlings
$19.99 -
Mushrooming without Fear
$54.99 -
My Animals (and other Family)
$42.99 -
My Life in the News
$54.99 -
My Wood
$37.99 -
$29.99 -
Naturalist’s Bedside Book
$44.99 -
Nearest Earthly Place to Paradise
$49.99 -
North Pennines: England’s Last Wilderness – A Photographic Celebration
$55.00 -
Once a Flyfisher
$44.99 -
One That Got Away
$49.99 -
$49.99 -
Ovington’s Bank
$39.99 -
Pennines: Backbone of England
$39.99 -
Poacher’s Cookbook: Game and Country Recipes
$29.99 -
Poacher’s Handbook
$39.99 -
Pocket Guide to Balsam Bashing
$19.99 -
Pocket Guide to Essential Knots