Showing 1–100 of 250 results
21BB: Model Region Berlin-Brandenburg
$145.00 -
4a Architekten: Setting Locations, Forming Spaces, Giving Light, Showing True Colors
$125.00 -
A Flower for the Dead: The Memorials of Bogdan Bogdanovic
$69.99 -
Absolute Beginners
$75.00 -
Access for All: Sao Paulo’s Architectural Infrastructures
$79.99 -
Advanced School of Collective Feeling: Inhabiting Modern Physical Culture 1926-38
$79.99 -
African Modernism: The Architecture of Independence. Ghana, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Zambia
$190.00 -
Agadir: Building the Modern Afropolis
$79.99 -
Aire: The River and its Double
$99.00 -
Alexander Brenner: A Holistic Art of Building: Villas and Houses 2015-2022
$160.00 -
All Under One Roof: Revolutionising Basel’s Military Barracks
$110.00 -
Almost Nothing: 100 Artists Comment on the Work of Mies van der Rohe
$99.00 -
American Framing: The Architecture of a Specific Anonymity
$75.00 -
An Atlas of Another America: An Architectural Fiction
$79.99 -
AP 164: Abalos and Herreros
$69.99 -
AP 164: Abalos and Herreros
$69.99 -
Appian Way: Adolphe Appia and the Scenography of Modern Architecture
$105.00 -
Arata Isozaki: In Formation
$120.00 -
Architects on Dwelling
$59.99 -
Architecture and Micropolitics: Four Projects by Farshid Moussavi Architecture, 2010-2020
$135.00 -
Architecture as Environment: PARC Architectes
$79.99 -
Architecture in Austria in the 20th and 21st Centuries
$125.00 -
Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner: Costruire in Italia – Esperienze 1996-2023
$79.99 -
Armando Ruinelli Architetti: Progetti 1984-2022. Leggere il tempo
$125.00 -
ARTEC Architekten
$79.99 -
At Home in Steel: Residential Construction in Steel, Thoughts on Space and Structure.
$56.99 -
Atelier Deshaus 2001-2020
$79.99 -
Avant-Garde as Method: VkHUTEMAS and the Pedagogy of Space, 1920-1930
$125.00 -
Baku: Oil and Urbanism
$90.00 -
Barrack, 1572-1914: Chapters in the History of Emergency Architecture
$95.00 -
Basics of Urbanism: 12 Notions of Territorial Transformation
$79.99 -
Beauty of Impermanence: An Architecture of Adaptability from the Sharjah Architecture Triennial
$105.00 -
Before Publication: Montage in Art, Architecture, and Book Design: A Reader
$69.99 -
Begin Again. Fail Better: Preliminary Drawings in Architecture and Art
$95.00 -
Bernina Transversal: Guido Baselgia – Bearth & Deplazes
$145.00 -
Best of Austria: Architecture 2010-11
$90.00 -
Best of Austria: Architecture 2012-13
$69.99 -
Best of Austria: Architecture 2014-15
$79.99 -
Best of Austria: Architecture 2016-17
$79.99 -
Best of Austria: Architecture 2018-19
$125.00 -
Best of Austria: Architecture 2020-21
$125.00 -
Beyond the Object: The Imagination of Space, All about Space, Volume 3
$79.99 -
Big! Bad? Modern: Four Megabuildings in Vienna
$56.99 -
Black Abstraction in Architecture: Thought Forms I
$27.99 -
Blanking: The Architecture of Schaum/Shieh
$79.99 -
Brick 18: Outstanding International Brick Architecture
$99.00 -
Brick 20: Outstanding International Brick Architecture
$99.00 -
Brick 22: Outstanding International Brick Architecture
$99.00 -
Building Additions in Steel: The Architecture of Vertical Extensions
$56.99 -
Buildings for People and Plants by WORKac
$79.99 -
Bureau – Short Stories: Disclosed Architecture
$75.00 -
CARTHA – Building Identity: A Handbook for Architectural Design
$56.99 -
CARTHA: On Making Heimat
$39.99 -
CARTHA: On Relations In Architecture
$44.99 -
CARTHA: On the Form of Form
$56.99 -
Casablanca and Chandigarh: How Architects, Experts, Politicians, International Agencies and Citizens Negotiate Modern Planning
$69.99 -
Center and Periphery: Five Houses by Mikael Bergquist
$56.99 -
Central Switzerland: A Metropolis
$125.00 -
ChartierDalix: Built Work 2008-2022 2 vol set
$90.00 -
Chicagoisms: The City as Catalyst for Architectural Speculation
$69.99 -
City and the Architecture of Change: The Work and Radical Visions of Cedric Price
$90.00 -
Climate Garden 2085: Handbook for a Public Experiment
$56.99 -
$56.99 -
Cold War and Architecture: The Competing Forces that Reshaped Austria after 1945
$125.00 -
Continuous City: Fourteen Essays on Architecture and Urbanisation
$79.99 -
Contrast and Cohesion: G8A Architects
$99.00 -
Corner Kick: Mapei Football Center Sassuolo
$56.99 -
Craft of Place: Mork-Ulnes Architects
$95.00 -
Crafting the Facade: Stone, Brick, Wood
$79.99 -
Creatures of the City
$135.00 -
Critical Neighbourhoods: The Architecture of Contested Communities
$79.99 -
Darwin’s Theatre: BABL at Work
$160.00 -
De la verticalité: Three Centuries of Park Systems
$90.00 -
Demo Polis: The Right to Public Space
$79.99 -
Designing Everyday Life
$69.99 -
Drifting Symmetries: Projects, Provocations, and other Enduring Models by Weiss/Manfredi
$125.00 -
Dust Free Friends
$69.99 -
Dutch Dwellings: The Architecture of Housing
$99.00 -
EM2N – City Factory: Advocating for a City of Tolerant Co-Existence
$150.00 -
Essays on Architecture and City Planning
$44.99 -
Europan 15 Austria – Productive Cities 2: Resources, Mobility, Equity
$49.99 -
Europan 16 Austria – Living Cities
$49.99 -
Experimental Zone: An Interdisciplinary Investigation on the Spaces and Practices of Collaborative Research
$79.99 -
Exploring: Research-driven Building Design. Towards 2050
$99.00 -
Exposed Architecture: Exhibitions, Interludes and Essays
$56.99 -
Expression – Architecture and the Arts: A Pedagogical Interaction
$56.99 -
Faces and Spaces: 40 Years Aedes Architecture Forum
$56.99 -
Fawad Kazi KSSG OKS: Project Introduction and Pavilion KSSG, Volume 1
$99.00 -
Fawad Kazi KSSG-OKS: Volume II: Haus 10
$99.00 -
Fawad Kazi: ETH Zurich Building LEE
$99.00 -
Fez Lessons: Industrious Habitat. Teaching and Research in Architecture
$99.00 -
Field Notes on Scarcity: The 2023 Sharjah Architecture Triennial
$56.99 -
Flux Redux: 9 Sites of Experimentation in Stocks and Flows
$75.00 -
Fragile Order Rolf Muhlethaler
$79.99 -
Futures of the Architectural Exhibition
$49.99 -
Galli Rudolf Architects 1998-2014
$125.00 -
$56.99 -
Genuine Construction: Zhang Pengju’s New Regionalism in Inner Mongolia
$105.00 -
Gewers Pudewill: Tailor-Made Architecture
$99.00 -
Glass Labyrinth in Venice