Winston is something of an oddity amongst his peers, and consequently is left out and ignored by the other young giraffes. However, in an episode where serious danger looms, it is Winston who saves the day.
Winston's experience of being alone and ostracised is one that many children of school age can relate to. However in the end it is Winston's differences that make him special and important to others.
AGES: 3 plus
Rochelle Brunton grew up in Adelaide, Australia. After obtaining a degree in psychology, she travelled extensively – living and working in Japan, Ireland and marrying in Italy. She now works as an educational psychologist and lives in Nottingham with her husband and two children. Rochelle enjoys writing engaging and memorable stories for children.
Nicoletta Bertelle lives in Padua and has illustrated more than one hundred books, which have been translated into many languages. She teaches workshops, and also holds events in schools, libraries, festivals and museums.
ISBN: 9781857144734
Format: Hardcover
Publication date: 01/12/2020
RRP: $26.99
Pages: 32
Dimension: 290mm X 215mm
Imprint: Ragged Bears