

Amateur Poacher


ISBN: 9781900318228 Categories: ,

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\"The following pages are arranged somewhat in the order of time, beginning with the first gun, and attempts at shooting. Then come the fields, the first hills, and woods explored, often without a gun, or with any thought of destruction; and next the poachers, and other odd characters observed at their work. Perhaps the idea of shooting with a matchlock, or wheel-lock, might, if put into practice, at least afford some little novelty.\" – Richard Jefferies

This new edition of Richard Jefferies classic book is regarded as one of the treasures of sporting literature. The son of a Wiltshire farmer, he had roamed the woods and fields from an early age, gaining a thorough knowledge of his subject. Coupled with his detailed observations and accessible style, this book is a favourite with both shooters and country lovers:

\"There was the pheasant not fifteen yards away, his back somewhat towards me, and quietly questing about...My finger felt the trigger, and the least increase of pressure would have been fatal; but in the act I hesitated, dropped the barrel, and watched the beautiful bird.\"


ISBN: 9781900318228
Format: Hardcover
Publication date: 01/09/2013
RRP: $39.99
Pages: 168
Dimension: 216mm X 140mm