

Antique Lamp Buyers Guide: Identifying Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Lighting (with Value Guide)



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Do you own an old lamp? Are you wondering what it is, how it was originally used, how you can make it better, or how much it was worth? If so, this book is written for you! Easy to read, and complete with price guide, The Antique Lamp Buyer's Guide answers many of the basic questions confronting lamp collectors from, \"Where do I look for a manufacturer's signature?\" to \"How do I distinguish reproductions from originals?\" Using a combination of color photographs and catalogue illustrations, this richly illustrated book provides a wealth of information for anyone interested in buying or selling old lighting. Author Nadja Maril also discusses the restoration issues that confront anyone wanting to use old lighting, such as rewiring, practical uses for fixtures originallly made for gas or oil, and restoring and protecting metal finishes. Sure to become an invaluable reference tool, The Antique Lamp Buyer's Guide covers examples of American lighting made between the mid-nineteenth century and the second World War, a time period during which lighting technology changed from oil to kerosene, gas, and electricity. An essential guide to identifying types of lamps and their styles, this book is designed for both the beginning and the advanced collector.

ISBN: 9780764304279
Format: Paperback
Publication date: 01/12/1997
RRP: $62.99
Pages: 144
Dimension: 279mm X 215mm
Imprint: Schiffer Publishing