

Beat Schlatter – Rock’n’roll Hinterland: Swiss Backstages



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All across Switzerland, in smaller towns like Schaffhausen or Biel as well as in larger villages such as Altdorf or Buchs, there are local public theatres, restaurants with a stage, or multi-purpose halls. This part of the country is second home to Beat Schlatter, actor-comedian, playwright, and the person behind one of Switzerland's most famous faces. For some thirty years, he has travelled Switzerland in every direction to perform his own programmes and to appear in shows, and he has rested, changed, and made-up his face in hundreds of these places that offer some form of a back-stage. When on tour, Schlatter takes photographs of these usually dull transitional spaces where A, B, and C celebrities and local stars and starlets await their appearance. This new book, featuring around 300 of Schlatter's images, is a testimonial to the moderate tristesse and the well-intended fruit bowl inherent to all these spaces, no matter how conventional or hilariously extravagant they may seem.

Text in English and German.

Alain Kupper lives and works in Zurich as a musician, graphic designer, and artist.

• An entertaining panorama of back-stage spaces the protagonists of show business encounter in metropolitan and provincial Switzerland
• A performing artist's view of the places of ultimate preparation before curtain

300 colour illustrations

ISBN: 9783858815712
Format: Hardcover
Publication date: 25/01/2018
RRP: $99.00
Pages: 208
Dimension: 230mm X 165mm
Imprint: Scheidegger & Spiess