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ISBN: 9781913680343 Categories: ,

The Entitled explores a world surviving on sheer Hope. It is a world with little tolerance for the childlike concepts of Innocence or Faith. This world allows for only so much Purity and it is only a matter of time before Trouble comes knocking at her door. Here, Prudence is the invisible opponent, her only weapon being unwavering patience. This is a world in which, no matter its cost, a Gift is worth no more than the value placed on it by its receiver and so the giver must decide where his generosity is best spent. It is a world in which Blessings are found in unexpected places, a world of inconspicuous beauty. It is a world in which those who are Able are so depended on, that they have not the pleasure of repose. Here Verity exists only in biblical parables and folk tales and its presence anywhere else is as no more than a malleable myth.

Chobela Ndilila is a German Zambian bi-racial writer. She was born and raised in Zambia and spent many years studying abroad in Australia, the United Kingdom and Germany. She hold a Master of Science in Architecture. Over the past several years, she has written short stories depicting life in Africa and Africans in the diaspora. These stories have received online publication with The Booker's Corner (UK), the Ofi Press Magazine (Mexico) and Litro Magazine (UK). She currently live and work as an architect in Lusaka, Zambia.

ISBN: 9781913680343
Format: Paperback
Publication date: 01/04/2022
RRP: $29.99
Pages: 208
Dimension: 210mm X 135mm
Imprint: Dixi Books