A series of illustrated books specifically designed for children in elementary education, narrating the stories of those great historical figures that have left their mark on humanity in fields such as science, art, exploration, music, fashion and other subjects.
Young readers will be able to read all about these famous people's main achievements, experiencing the main steps of their lives through Isabel Munoz's engaging illustrations, and finding out some curious facts about their work and success. In the twelve volumes of the series, children will be fascinated by the genial and revolutionary intuition of Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci's vast breadth of expertise, the incredible discoveries about space made by Galileo Galilei, the visionary theories about the Universe by Stephen Hawking, the Maria Montessori's educational method Mozart's infinite musical creativity, the masterpieces created by Picasso, Van Gogh, and Frida Kahlo. Young readers will also discover how Marie Curie, Charles Darwin and Coco Chanel have changed science, medicine and fashion forever.
There is a timeline at the end of each volume listing the main biographical events and some simple quizzes will help children to further understand and test their knowledge.
AGES: 6 plus
Jane Kent is a writer and editor with over 15 years' experience. After studying publishing at Oxford Brookes University, she worked for some of the UK's top publishers before becoming a freelancer at JVK Creative. She works on both children's and licensed book and magazine projects.
Isabel Munoz is a very happy and enthusiastic illustrator, raised in a small town in the north of Spain. Painting was her favourite hobby as a child, so when the time came it only made sense to study Fine Arts at university. Today, after lots of hard work and many filled sketchbooks, Isabel's proud to say illustration has become her dream job.
ISBN: 9788854413641
Author: KENT, JANE
Format: Hardcover
Publication date: 01/03/2019
RRP: $19.99
Pages: 42
Dimension: 236mm X 193mm
Imprint: Edizioni White Star