'In his treehouse, a wide-eyed boy lies awake, listening.'
A picture book about boy sleeping in his tree house and hearing strange noises. A story about fear, discovery and our amazing night creatures.
AGES: 2 to 10
Jennifer Mars lives in the Perth Hills surrounded by bush, birds, and bandicoots. She has been a nurse, an officer in the State Library of Western Australia, and still works in her role as a Primary School educator. Jennifer, who has long been an advocate for the environment, grew up exploring the West Australian bush and sandhills in awe of nature. She joined the W.A Gould League as a ten year old and has been passionate about our natural history ever since.
Wendy Binks is based in Fremantle, Western Australia and has drawn and painted her whole life. She is widely known as the 'emu lady', although as a frustrated biologist, she incorporates all sorts of other Australian wildlife in her colourful, quirky designs on art, stationery and Children's books. Wendy is a keen outdoors person, a volunteer snake catcher and is proactive about helping endangered wildlife. She feels very privileged that through her picture books she can inspire children and create a sense of curiosity and awe for our unique wildlife.
ISBN: 9780646823805
Format: Paperback
Publication date: 01/12/2020
RRP: $15.99
Pages: 26
Dimension: 295mm X 230mm
Imprint: Stunned Emu Press