

Topper Book: Topper Sailing from Start to Finish



ISBN: 9781912621705 Category:

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Learn how to get the most out of your Topper dinghy.

The only book which shows you how to rig, sail and race the Topper – right up to World Champion standard. It is packed full of advice, go-fast tips, photo sequences and diagrams. This new third edition covers all three Topper rigs (4.2, 5.3 and 6.4) and is fully up to date with details of the new rota-moulded (grey) boats as well as the traditional injection-moulded (red) boats.

It starts by describing how to rig and sail the boat before moving on to racing and providing master classes for success in competitions.

Dave Cockerill held the role of RYA Topper UK Head Coach for 14 years. He was instrumental in introducing the centre mainsheet and 4.2 sail to the class.

John Caig is a former Topper National & European Champion. He twice won the Fireball World Championship and has been a member of the British Olympic Sailing team.

• The only book dedicated to the popular Topper dinghy.
• Featuring National & World Champions & written by GBR’s longest-serving Topper coach.
• Heavily illustrated with photographs of the UK National Champion which help explain the techniques described.

360 colour photographs, 100 diagrams

ISBN: 9781912621705
Format: Paperback
Publication date: 01/06/2024
RRP: $42.99
Pages: 144
Dimension: 240mm X 170mm
Imprint: Fernhurst Books