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From the ancient steam locomotives to the latest high-speed models in Europe and China, as well as the first hydrogen-powered convoys, this volume is a fascinating journey in the world of trains. This book guides discovery of the most recent news regarding rail transport, taking a look at the near future, when trains will be remotely controlled without train drivers on board.
Franco Tanel a journalist and photographer, started as a professional in 1979 with the D-Day Photo Agency. He is editor-in-chief of the Italian specialised trains periodical \"TuttoTreno\". Since 2009 he has been producing reportages, in Italy and abroad, for the bimonthly \"Railway Engineering\" published by Wegh Group.
ISBN: 9788854418387
Format: Hardcover
Publication date: 01/07/2022
RRP: $75.00
Pages: 328
Dimension: 325mm X 235mm
Imprint: Edizioni White Star