

Birthday Numerology



ISBN: 9780914918394 Categories: ,

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Your birthday number is more than simply the day you were born. In fact, it's one of the things that makes you unique. And it can have a profound influence on your life. In Birthday Numerology well-known numerologist Dusty Bunker and psychic counselor Victoria Knowles combine their knowledge of numerology, psychic development and symbolism to explain the significance of birthday numbers._x000D_Now you can examine different aspects of your own personality in relation to your birthday number. You can also focus on the personalities of family members, close friends and even complete strangers._x000D_The thirty-one numbers cover each day of the month so you can easily find your own number. The introductory section discusses the foundation and validity of birthday numerology. Find out why it' s special to be a \"three\", a \"seventeen\", a \"thirty\" or whatever your birthday number is. Learn why your birthday is so crucial in evaluating your personality and other facets of your life. AUTHOR:

ISBN: 9780914918394
Format: Paperback
RRP: $29.99
Pages: 240
Dimension: 235mm X 165mm
Imprint: Schiffer Publishing