

Chinese Zodiac



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ISBN: 9780646927381 Categories: ,

Chinese Zodiac presents a dynamic new series of artworks created by twelve of Australia’s leading contemporary artists, with an introduction by Benjamin Law. The book explores the relationship between humans and animals, the East and the West, through a diverse series of artworks responding to the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac, accompanied by written responses to each artist’s chosen zodiac animal.

Sam Leach | John Young | Michael Zavros | Joshua Yeldham | Kate Beynon | Lindy Lee | Tim McMonagle | eX de Medici | Caroline Rothwell | Christian Thompson | Dane Lovett | James Morrison

\"Chinese Zodiac is a glorious marriage of Australian contemporary art with Chinese ancient culture. By turns spectacular and sombre, provocative and poignant, this isn't just a showcase of some of this country's best visual artists, but an exploration in how Chinese culture increasingly informs – and is embedded in – Australia's own\" said Benjamin Law.

ISBN: 9780646927381
Format: Board Book
Publication date: 01/02/2014
RRP: $60.00
Pages: 16
Dimension: 248mm X 248mm
Imprint: Dott Publishing