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Generally black and white, consistently made in series, Silvia Bächli's drawings are always determined by her sense of clarity, purity and measure. This book, far from being a complete monograph, presents nearly 300 drawings which Bächli has completed since 1983. Her visual repertoire, which always speak of reduction, confronts with the intensity and range of its visual and mental associations.
Silvia Bächli lebt in Basel und Paris und hat seit 1994 eine Professur an der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Karlsruhe. Ihr Werk ist weltweit in Museen und Privatsammlungen vertreten
211 illustrations
ISBN: 9783037780138
Format: Paperback
Publication date: 20/06/2010
RRP: $170.00
Pages: 304
Dimension: 279mm X 222mm
Imprint: Lars Mueller